Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Ohhhhhh this rain!!!!!!!!!! My students were very alert today and paid attention much better than I thought. Personally I had rather stay and bed and pull the covers up over my head. I thought they might feel the same way, but we made it and actually got a lot accomplished.

Halloween week is always a week of great excitement. We don't get to have Halloween parties at school, but we will have a lot of fun activities Friday and some gruesome snacks.

I have graded papers ready to go stuck in a corner. I have forgotten to send them home for about 4 days now. Someone remind me when this happens again. (I am sure it will). I thought if I write this I will be sure to remember tomorrow.

Have a great rainy afternoon. Study hard for science test on Thursday. Students that have passed 4 multiplication fact mad minute tests are moving on to 8's. Remember 4's are double 2's and 8s are double 4s. Spend just 10 minutes a night and you will memorize the facts in no time flat. Some students are finishing in about 30 seconds. That is how fast you will have to be to complete 100 facts in 5 minutes. You can ALL do it, I know you can.

M. Powell

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