Thursday, November 20, 2008

We have been busy today. We are having fun with Miss Hernandez. UNA students also taught us about endangered animals today and where they are located in our world. See if you can find your self. What does it mean if an animal is endangered? What does it mean if an animal becomes extinct? Give me two important facts you learned about your animal yesterday. Come on let me hear from you boys and girls.......

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Teachers Learning How to Blog

Kess helping Mrs. Powell learn how to upload pictures to my blog.
Teachers have to still take classes too!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Today we had a special visitor in reading. Mrs. Grissom our reading coach taught small reading groups. We think Mrs. Grissom is fun. We learned many things in class today.

Reading: We learned how to use a dictionary to look up words we do not know the meaning of.
We read to determine how characters grow and change.
We also learned how to spell some compound words.

Math: We learned that multiplication is repeated addition. We also learned that we can use
multiplication facts that we know to help us with facts we have not memorized yet.
We worked on our "6" facts and "7" facts. We also practiced addition facts and adding
3 digit numbers with regrouping. We learned a new and interesting way to check our

Language: We are learning that some nouns can't be made plural by adding s. These are called
irregular nouns. Such as: man/men; woman/women; deer/deer; What are some
others can you tell me?

Social Studies: We read a Scholastic News. Read at home and complete for 2 points added to
your social studies grade.

Yes, Yes, Yes!!!!! Our book order arrived today.

Bye for now
Mrs. Powell