Monday, February 8, 2010

Kristen getting ready to throw a big snow ball!!

How often do we get to try to catch a snowflake in our mouth? Natalie made a snowman!!

Playing in the snow Snuggle up close! It is cold and wet out here!!
We had fun in the snow today. It was kind of hard to get focused for all concerned this morning.
Maybe we will see some real snow before winter is over. Mother Nature keeps trying to give us one. See you tomorrow boys and girls.
Mrs. Powell

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Catch-up Part four

Catch-up Part three

Fun at the "HOP"

Catch-up Part two

A few more science project photos:)


Just some pictures of fun learning activities before Christmas. Plenty more will be on your DVD at the end of the year. I forgot all about the blog after Christmas. Remember I told you I probably would forget about it, or not have time sometimes. It has been one of those times. I will try to do better from now until the end of the year. Some more will follow from before Christmas!!
Mrs. Powell