Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hump Day

Hi, Everybody,
We are reading an adventure story about a little girl named Molly Moon. She is an orphan that learns to hypnotize. She has some pretty wonderful adventures. I will read close to 100 AR points in class this year. In other words if your child is a good listener they will get 100 points from books read in class. This is an award that is given on Awards Day in May.
I hope you have seen our picture on McBride's Web Page for winning the SPIRIT stick for showing our spirit last week. That is one thing I can say about this class. We do have a lot of SPIRIT ( in more ways than one).
I think I will start including a few questions from the day for you to ask your child while sitting around the dinner table (LOL). Seriously ask: What are the three kinds of rocks found on the Earth's Crust and how do they form? Of the three rocks, which one is found the most in the Earth's Crust. How does one kind of rock turn into another kind of rock? We have gone over this information several different times. Hopefully some of it is beginning to sink in.
Our crystals are coming along nicely. Come in to take a look. Your child will also be bringing these home shortly.
We are going to the Space and Rocket Center October 1st. We have to have the money in ASAP. This happened for 2 reasons. One, we waited until it cooled off some, and it is the end of the fiscal year for our System. We have to have everything closed out quick. The school's fiscal year begins again in October.
Tomorrow we will be performing a scratch and streak test on 4 minerals we observed today in class. That is always a lot of fun. I hope you don't get anything scratched up at home after this test!!! Students usually like to recreate some activities in their own way at home you know.
Have a great afternoon. I for one am ready to feel that crisp fall air.
Mrs. Powell

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